Course Closes in:
Society is Facing a Massive Health Crisis - Do You Know the Secret to Staying Well Through this Time?
When I scroll through Facebook, I am consistently seeing the same stories over and over - many, many people are sick. We know the causes - either intentional or unintentional introduction of toxins into the body.
As a society, about half have believed they are invincible while the other half has suffered from some form of chronic or degenerative illness for decades - but we are at that point of reckoning right now as the vulnerable find themselves sicker than ever before and the invincible discover that they are vulnerable - and lives are being destroyed because of it.
Our exposure to toxins has increased exponentially over the last few years, from the heavy metals and microplastics in the air, the fluoride in the water, the glyphosate in the fruits and vegetables, and hormones and antibiotics in our meats. Add to that the steep increase in wireless microwave radiation (thanks to 5G), the reduction in full-spectrum light coming from the sun (thanks to the geo-engineering) and the rapidly decreasing magnetic field (thanks to the upcoming pole shift - yes, its real).
Added on top of all of these things, which are harmful enough in their own right, is the Covid spike protein which has gotten into everyone's body, either through exposure or deliberately introducing it into the body through the shots. No matter which way you look at it, this spike protein is HIGHLY toxic in its own right and has the power to destroy lives... if we don't step in and help our body through this time - I'll be blunt here, because it really is this important - we may not survive it.
The liver is the primary organ that is tasked with the job of filtering all of these toxins, including the spike protein and other viruses, that we are exposed to... and it has reached its limit.
Sadly, many children are suffering the most from this with the overt hepatitis that has been recently recognized to be causing them great harm. Many others are suffering symptoms of a damaged or overburdened liver right now, though most of them don't recognize that their symptoms are connected, due to western medicine being so compartmentalized that doctors don't even understand the vast array of symptoms that show up when the liver is suffering.
The liver performs so many crucial functions that, if we ignore its cries for help (symptoms), we'll rapidly lose our ability to function in the world. This means that we will either actively feel unwell or have symptoms that disrupt our daily activities or we will shift into merely surviving, with a lower level of energy, cognitive ability, creativity and productivity.
Only a few will make it through this time unscathed - at least as far as they are aware.
To get an idea of just how much our body is affected when our liver is overburdened, look through this checklist to see if you recognize any of these symptoms - they are all part of how the liver tells us that it needs our help:
Are you feeling sluggish or fatigued at times throughout the day?
Are you dealing with post-covid health challenges, long covid or a covid jab reaction or other viruses?
Do you have any problems with your lower legs or feet (swelling, pain, spurs, skin issues)?
Do you have dry skin or eyes?
Do you have osteoperosis?
Do you have skin rashes of any kind?
Do you have indications of hormone imbalance (especially adrenal or sex hormones)?
Do you have the classic liver symptom of "II" lines between your brows or cholesterol deposits under the eyes that look sort-of "scaly"?
Do you have problems with digestion, bloating, constipation or known parasites?
Do you have brain-fog or difficulty thinking with the clarity and speed you desire?
Do you have pain under your right shoulder blade, along the right side or your neck or going down the right side of the body?
Do you need to see a chiropractor often due to your back "going-out" or do you have a mild curvature of the spine?
Are you having gallbladder pain or attacks and have doctors tried to convince you to get your gallbladder removed due to stones that they believe can't come out on their own?
Do you have high cholesterol?
Have you noticed that your blood is thick, such as if you nick yourself or use a lancet?
Are you noticing signs of aging?
Do you have extra fat stores that you're having trouble releasing?
Do you have edema or other indicators of stagnant lymph flow?
Do you have allergies, histamine intolerance or Mast Cell Activation Syndrome?
The gist is that when our liver isn't functioning well, due to being overburdened, it doesn't produce enough bile to digest and absorb fats, fat-soluble vitamins, or calcium - and it isn't able to filter toxins out of the blood, so the blood throughout the body becomes toxic and thickened, which ultimately damages the cells which aren't able to receive nutrients or oxygen... plus, this further burdens the lymph system, which becomes stagnant as it fills with toxins.
Ultimately, all of our organs are impacted negatively with this toxicity sticking around and we will become sick sooner or later.
If we wait until we are sick to begin clearing the liver out, it is much harder and takes quite a bit longer and our illness may reduce our capacity so significantly by then that we aren't able to do what it takes to reverse the damage to our body - at least not in the easier way that I'm teaching, but more about that later. It literally becomes a "Change or Die" scenario, and sadly, many people resist this change despite the consequences.
My "Crash"
Hi, I'm Samantha...
My story started over 25 years ago... I was 23... Attending college for a 5-year Architectural Engineering degree... at the top of my game, with a 4.2 GPA, walking 3 miles - 3 times a day, feeling good and thinking clearly, effectively & quickly...
One day when I was going for a walk, I got about half-block away and I suddenly didn't feel well; I had to sit down right there on the sidewalk to figure out what to do next. All I could think of was that I needed to get back to my apartment, but I was too dizzy and weak to simply walk that short distance back - I had to, literally, crawl home.
I subsequently went to doctor after doctor, only to be told that they didnt't know what was wrong.
The Chronic Phase
I was needing to sleep 14 hours a day, and during the time I was awake I experienced things I had never known before: debilitating fatigue, pain, mental confusion and anxiety attacks (with heart racing and tightness in the chest - which came out of nowhere)...
I soon learned that I needed to plan for only 3 tasks per day, and something as seemingly simple as showering or cooking suddenly became monumental, each counting for 1 of these 3.
Fast forward through months of mostly sleeping, the doctors finally came to the conclusion that it was most likely "mono", despite even that not showing up in their labwork.
Eventually, I gradually started to feel better, bit-by-bit. That was my final year in the Architectural Engineering program and, somehow, I still managed to graduate at the top of my class (out of 28 going through this program at the same time).
Gradual Improvements
Eventually, I managed to function, but still at a much lower level than before that pivotal day when I collapsed on the sidewalk...
I took a job and moved back to my birth state of Colorado, where I could spend more of my time out in nature to help my body further heal. I still needed 12 hours of sleep every night, but at least I was able to work and go for walks again and do the basics to take care of myself.
I went to several doctors, attempting to figure out what was going on with my body - to no avail. I found doctors to be completely clueless.
I insisted on thyroid testing, but since I was "only 25" I was met with extreme resistance. I finally got them to test this by the time I was 28 and the numbers didn't tell them my issue was "bad enough"... Years later, after studying the topic of thyroid health in-depth, I learned that they didn't even check the correct lab values, nor did they know how to interpret the results in any meaningful way.
Accelerated Learning
During the 25 years that followed, I studied many aspects of health in search of my own answers. I learned about endocrinology, brain-health, nutrition, insulin resistance and biohacking with supplements and more. I had to educate my doctor about thyroid, adrenal and sex-hormone supplementation (to get Rx from her for these) and she ultimately used this protocol to help her other patients.
I changed many lifestyle factors in attempt to gain at least a little more functioning and brain-power back. I went all-organic, meditated, walked (this time 1 mile, twice a day), and took a ton of supplements and natural remedies. I rediscovered topics that I had first learned about when I was working as a leader in the sustainable design industry 20 years prior, such as the hazards of mold and EMFs (electromagnetic fields) and these were game-changers and worthy of their own course, sometime in the future.
All of these steps I took helped my health to improve, but it was only when I got serious about liver flushing that my healing accelerated faster than before. I've made more progress in the past couple of years than the 20 years prior, and liver-flushing is one of the pillars of health that got me here.
My Liver Flushing Journey
I first discovered this process through Andrew Moritz' book The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Cleanse... Long story short - it was torture. Drinking several glasses of epsom salt solutions ("yuck" is a massive understatement!), up all night not feeling well, only to have no stones exit my liver or gallbladder. Needless to say, I was frustrated and halted that process until I came across Dr. Klinghardt and started studying under him.
When he offered a 10 day liver-flush course, where he (and his team) would literally guide us through the prep and the flush phases (not the day after the flush, though, which also requires support), with a process that they had been refining over the past 40 years, I was reluctant to invest the $300 pricetag, but I knew in my gut that it would be worth it, at the very least to learn techniques that I wasn't already familiar with. They still did a prep-week, but the process didn't require the epsom salt drinks, and it helped the stones to dissolve, so there were less risks of stones getting stuck they way that they can following Moritz' protocol. There were a few improvements and a few things I didn't like about Klinghardt's system (most participants felt pretty sick for a few days around "flush-day") and didn't like some things about the way he ran the program. Regardless, it was successful and that's what counted the most. Plus, I learned a LOT of improvements over Moritz' system.
After this first successful flush, where I did get a lot of junk out of the liver, I felt quite a bit better. However, about only a week later, I slipped back into not feeling well again. That's when I discovered that the process needs to be repeated on a monthly or bi-weekly basis for a year or two or even several years. So, I did repeat the process a few times, and each time found that I felt better, than worse - 3 steps forward, 2 steps back.
There had to be a better way. Especially since those in the Moritz Flush group were saying that they were upward of 70 or 80 flushes and still getting stones out. (When Moritz wrote the book in 2012, he indicated that it would likely take 12-25 flushes to completely clear out the liver, however, the toxins we are exposed to have increased exponentially since then.)
Refining My Protocol
So, I set out to take what I had learned from Moritz and Klinghardt and refine the process. Klinghardt's process did still require a week-long prep phase before the official flush drink day, followed by a few days of recovery. I found myself starting to dread the next "prep week". I just wanted to get to the flush part out of the way without so many hurdles that could potentially stop me from doing it.
So, I figured out which of the components of the preparation that I could continue to do/use on a daily-basis that would continue the process of breaking down the stones in the liver and gallbladder and also thin the bile and clear the old, thick, toxic bile out of the body instead of it getting recirculated to be reused. I learned that the diet that Klinghardt's program had told us was required (a vegan, fat-free diet, which made me feel weak and undernourished) was not necessary and that the foods that were actually the most sustaining for me would be the ones that are the most helpful toward keeping the bile flowing on a daily basis.
I was literally getting junk out of the liver daily with my refined protocol - without the ups and downs, without the resistance, without the weakness or feeling unwell, & without the trauma.
My productivity had officially doubled from before Klinghardt's program to after, though that wasn't sustained. Since revising the protocol to be something I could do daily, without much time out of my day, I not only sustained that productivity gain, but also doubled it again, and, with that, people have been asking me to guide them on how to do this as well. They are also done with the drama and trauma of the Moritz protocol. It served its purpose in its time, but the toxic burden we are faced with nowadays is more than it can keep up with.
Sharing My Process
Due to the many requests from those I interact with on a daily basis, I have finally documented this process that I have been refining over the past year and have put this protocol into a program that makes it easy to understand and implement. I've included the information and tips that I've discovered along the way through my own implementation of it this past year+.
As you may know from my FB posts, whenever I can simplify a health tip to help others more quickly, I will simply create a post about it in a heartbeat. There are many potent nuggets on my profile page and even more within my Shamanic Living group posts... however, this topic has been one that is way more intricate and complex than I could simply summarize in a post or two. There are aspects of this that you need to understand more fully to be more likely implement them, and I also know that its highly likely that you'll want support along the way.
So, I decided that the best format to communicate this protocol is within a course which I have named "Liver Flow Lifestyle" to aptly capture the essence of this being an ongoing thing that we need to keep up with in our current toxin-filled environment, as well as to capture the idea that I have aimed to make it as sustainable to continue doing on a daily basis as possible.
Here's what You'll Discover within this Course
What the liver does for the body and how sluggish bile reduces functions throughout the body - and, how restoring bile flow can play a major role in restoring health.
What can go wrong when the bile isn't flowing well or is continuing to recycle toxins.
When bile is flowing, there are so many more benefits to your life than you can likely imagine right now - even things like confidence and your ability to earn money and hold boundaries in relationships are tied-in with this. You'll notice unexpected things, like a seeming reversal in signs of aging, with more supple skin and more energy and a quicker, clearer thought-process, and so much more.
How to do more effective "bursts" (which are similar to the flush days, but much easier), to get things jump-started, both in the beginning or if you notice you need it.
What specific foods are required for your liver to be able to make bile and to subsequently release bile.
What specific supplements will help to thin the bile, break down stones, bind to toxins and otherwise support your liver's health and bile flow.
What practices to implement and how often, in order to help keep bile flowing on a daily basis.
How to know for sure that bile is actually flowing each day (since you won't see the larger liver or gall-stones coming out). There are several other clear indicators.
Monitoring to observe your increases in productivity and health and increasing your body-awareness to remain dialed into this so you can adjust as-needed.
How to get results without week-long prep, intense flush days, throwing up or dehydration from the Epsom Salts, feeling sick from the toxin dump, dental damage from apple cider vinegar or sugars from straight apple cider, nor the fear and drama of potential stuck stones.
How to maintain long-term results without continuing to invest $300 each time you want to receive the support do a flush with Dr. Klinghardt and his team and without the setbacks in-between flushes. You will be able to use this system for the rest of your life and settle into your own routine that keeps bile flowing.
Here's what's Included within this Course:
Setting Your Intention
In order to be willing to implement changes in life, especially ones that require a commitment such as this does, we need to tap into our motivation. When we are unwell in any way, this can be much easier to do, but I'd much rather you not wait until you are sick to decide to get your bile flowing again. I incorporate aspects from my transformational coaching process to support you in making lasting change from this program. (value $500)
Body-Awareness (& The 5 Levels of Health)
In this lesson, I share the 5 levels where illness can originate from so that you can refine your understanding of how we are impacted on a holistic level by everything around us. Also, I have come to recognize that not everyone has the same degree of body-awareness as I have had to develop. If you have been following my posts for a while, there's a good chance that you have, but rather than make this assumption, I offer prompts for you to enhance this within yourself. (value $500)
Monitoring Your Status/Improvements
In order to support you with the above two components, I have developed a worksheet that you can use to keep track of how much of the protocol you are implementing, any direct results you are noticing as well as any indirect effects, such as productivity. (value $100)
Equipment-to-Get Checklist
In order to be set up to implement the practices I'm teaching in this program, I will provide a checklist of supplies, with links or my criteria outlined so that you can benefit from the things I've learned about what works and what makes it easier. Since we have a full 4 weeks, and since this is a long-term protocol, we have time for the products to be shipped to you.
(I do have a few products that I make for myself, such as freeze-dried green coffee extract for the coffee enemas. If you'd like me to make these available, or even if you'd like full program kits of supplies and supplements available, please let me know through FB messenger & I'll see what I can do to make that happen.) (value $150)
Liver Flow Foods
There are 2 core foods that are required to thin the bile and increase bile flow. Knowing which foods these are and how to use them most effectively is KEY to improving your health (value $100)
Whenever we are doing a detox process, it is essential to include binders to capture these toxins so they don't get recirculated throughout the body, causing us to feel sick (herxheimer reaction) and possibly redistributing to other areas that are harder to remove them from. There are many misunderstandings about which binders to use for which toxins, as well as many that are on the market that aren't safe to be using long-term. This lesson clears these issues up so you can use them safely and more effectively. (value $100)
Liver Flow Supplements
The core of the protocol, second to the foods that are essential for helping to thin the bile, are the supplements. There are several supplement categories, from thinning the bile, softening the bile ducts, stimulating bile release, helping the bowels to clear out the toxins faster, and so on. I have outlined these categories with the core supplement recommendations so that you can have a clear understanding of which ones to use and for what purpose. (value $100)
Importance of Bile-Flow
Keeping bile flowing is VITAL for our health; Really grounding this understanding and appreciation for getting and keeping bile-flowing will go a LONG way toward being willing and able to sustain this practice long-term. (value $100)
Bile-Flow Indicators
Learning how to recognize when you are getting steady bile-flow is a cornerstone to this protocol. When you can recognize that your bile is moving at least once per day, you are on your way toward mastering your health and your body's ability to detox. (value $100)
Guide to Enemas & Coffee Enemas
While many who have already been following Moritz or another's protocol may be pros at this, I don't want to make any assumptions, so I will be showing you the tips and tricks I've learned through my experiences of doing this, so that you can save time, have a more effective process and can be least likely to feel toxic from reabsorption. (value $200)
Guide to Castor Oil Packs
This is another one that those who are doing liver flushes are aware is a necessary aspect of the process. I'll explain why this is as well as the tips and tricks I've learned that make it the most sustainable/least invasive into my daily routine. (value $100)
Here's what Happens Next:
If you are ready to improve your health, then you NEED to begin clearing out your liver ASAP... - Fill out the form below, have your credit card or paypal account information handy.
- After you have entered your information and hit the submit payment button, you will land on a "thank you" page and will automatically be sent an email confirmation. Please send an email to samantha@samanthavilppu if you do not see this (after verifying it isn't in your spam or trash folder).
- On or before July 5th, you will be sent the login information for the membership area. Once you log in, you'll have immediate access to the preparation files, which will set you up to be successful with this program.
- The main body of the content will be released gradually throughout the month of July, in an order and timing that will best support you in learning how to do this process- you will receive an email notification when anything new is available in the membership area.
- There will be a place for you to post questions for me to answer. The format I answer these in will depend on the number of people who are in this round of the program. I do not plan on doing live calls at this time, but instead will post the answers for you to read/retrieve at your convenience.
- Everything in the membership area will be downloadable and printable for you to be able to work with offline if you so choose and for you to be able to review at any point in the future.
If you're not ready for this right now, I encourage you to check in with yourself to be clear about why you were interested enough to read this far and answer the following question:
- Are you actually ready to take this step to improve your health or are you okay with remaining where you are at right now?
I KNOW, without a doubt, that my health would not have improved as much as it has this past year + if I hadn't invested in learning a better approach to this liver cleansing process and taking the time to refine it to the protocol it is today. I want the same benefits for your health as well.
I honor wherever you are at with this right now, however, I do want you to be aware that once the program starts and the cart closes, I don't have specific plans for when this program will run again, so its possible it could be a while, likely several months.
If finances are an issue for you right now, I understand, and am working to set up a scholarship fund that others can donate towards so that those in need can have the opportunity to benefit from this course as well. Please send me an email ( or PM me in facebook messenger to request to be added to the list to be considered for this scholarship when it becomes available. There will be an application process for this. This may not be available for this round of the course.
If you'd like to contribute to this scholarship program, I have left the option open to "Pay What You Want", so you can pay any amount over the minimum pricing and I will apply it toward this program that will allow others who show that they are able and willing to do the work involved to be able to receive a scholarship to get into the program.
1) Full-Pay Option:
(Payment Plan Options for CC/Debit Card or PayPal are Below this Form)
2) Credit or Debit-Card Payment-Plan Option:
(Total of 4-Weekly Payments of $97.00)
(Full-Pay Option is Above this Form;
PayPal Payment-Plan Option is Below this Form)
3) PayPal Payment-Plan Option:
(Total of 4-Weekly Payments of $97.00)
(Full-Pay Option is Above the Payment Plan Options;
Credit/Debit Card Payment-Plan Option is Immediately Above this PP Form)
Your Information is Safe
We respect your privacy, so your data will never be sold or disclosed.
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call: (303) 335-0325
Frequently Asked Questions
When will I get access to the content?
The login to the membership area will be emailed to you on or before July 5, 2022, and you will have access to the first worksheets at that time. Content will be dripped out to you over the month of July and you will receive an email notifying you whenever a new piece is added into the membership area.
Do I have to be vegan or eat meat to be able to do this?
There is no set requirement for either - the biggest issue is if you are able and willing to eat a high fat diet, as that is what is required to keep the liver functioning optimally and is an integral part of this protocol.
How soon before I'll likely feel better or see results?
You'll have the option of doing a more formal "flush" (again, this is still with less drama and trauma than the other protocols out there) at any time you wish. You will feel better faster with each of these, as long as you maintain liver-flow between them, rather than stopping as other protocols suggest (which is where the huge setbacks can occur). Because the protocol is an ongoing form of the "prep week", you can choose to do this at any time after you have been taking the supplements for at least a week. You may decide that the daily flow is helping you to feel better in a more steady way than doing these flushes. Either way, the improvements are noticeable right away, but will be more gradual with the daily flow.
How long will I need to continue to do this?
Clearing out decades worth of toxins from the liver takes time. The reason I created this "Liver Flow Lifestyle" concept in the first place was to even out the peaks and valleys that others who have been doing 70-100 flushes (2 weeks apart, usually) have experienced. The daily release is not as much as it would be using the flush protocol, though.
I have gone into this fully aware that my body has taken in far more toxins than it can handle and I'm in it for the long-haul. I have taken short breaks of a day or few and experienced setbacks, such that I'm quite clear that I am not ready to take breaks from it without a really good reason. If you are looking for a quick-fix or a drug, I haven't found one in my 20+ years of searching, but that may be an indicator that this program isn't for you.
How much time out of my day will this require of me?
There may be a little bit of additional time at first getting yourself setup with the equipment and supplements and going through the content, but once you are in a steady-state of implementation it could take as little as 20 minutes a day if you aren't too toxic to start with. If you've been more sick (aka toxic), you may prefer to do longer enemas (aka full "cleanouts"), which could take an hour whenever you decide to do them.
Do I have to be vegan or eat meat to be able to do this?
There is no set requirement for either - the biggest issue is if you are able and willing to eat a high fat diet, as that is what is required to keep the liver functioning optimally and is an integral part of this protocol.
What if I have gallbladder attacks or pain, can I still do the protocol?
There are many aspects of the protocol that will help reduce this problem, as it is most often caused by stones developing in the gallbladder wherein the flow of bile has become stagnant and the way out of that is to get it flowing again. The supplements that help to break down stones and thin the bile will be where you want to put more of your attention until you are able to eat fats without having a gallbladder attack. It will be up to your discression to determine the pace you want to move at with each of the components.
What if I had my gallbladder removed, can I still do the protocol?
There are many people who have done the Moritz or Klinghardt flushes without a gallbladder and they haven't had trouble with them. The gallbladder is storing and concentrating more of the bile for easier breakdown of the larger amount of fats, but its the liver that is making the bile and the liver does accumulate fat stores as well as stones and other things that clog it, so it will still be essential for you to do this to take care of your liver. There may be aspects of it that you decide to do slightly differently to adjust for the lack of concentrated bile, but, otherwise, it should be fine.
Beyond the price of this course, what other expenses might I expect?
There are a few pieces of (small) equipment that you'll want to get at first, and then there will be ongoing expenses for the supplements that you decide you need to maintain consistent bile flow. As your bile thins out over time, you will find that you don't need to continue to take all of these and can still experience steady improvements.
Each of the cheat sheets will provide options such that you can put your own protocol together to meet your desired budget. While it would go faster with more of the supplements, there are only a few that are truly required and these can be obtained for a few dollars a month. If you want to go all-in with it, its possible that the supplements could add up to a few hundred dollars a month, but again, this will be up to your discretion. The key is learning what the liver needs to be supported and to learn the options of how to go about achieving that aim.
The food budget shouldn't be significantly different than what you are already spending. Though you may need to shift what specific items you are getting, your caloric intake is likely to stay the same or possibly reduce, as your digestion will be more efficient, and your blood sugar will be more stable.
© 2022 Samantha Vilppu, Shamanic Living LLC